I am going to write this post up as I guess I should have done it a year and a half ago...anyway I hope no other woman has had this side-effect to pregnancy and basically maybe this might clear you up too.
This article might also give immense relief to a woman who may be about to have a 4th c-section and have fear!! I am living proof that a 4th c-section can go OK. I was given a lot of scaremongering before he came into the world and that was because you are told usually in a hospital to stop at 3 c-sections. Given that my first baby died on the first c-section...I really had risked it on my last child and I don't regret it!! He is wonderful and he is doing great now and its just so lovely to have all 3 children...
I feel like a cat with nine lives or something writing this - anyway hopefully it will inspire and helps someone out there. I am all for humanity which some doctors and hospitals, they can sometimes lose sight of this.
When I had my baby 17 months ago, my baby was born prematurely at 35 weeks - I named him David - thankfully he was okay and never needed to be incubated. I have had 4 c-sections and what I learned was you take a bigger risk on the 4th c-section so make sure if you can to get a good consultant. I was a high risk case...I never knew how much I had risked my own life and his until he came out! I didn't know my womb had become paper thin which may have stopped me carrying him safely in the last month so maybe it was a good thing he came in a hurry!..when your womb is paper thin, they tell you to stop having kids...as the risk of uterine rupture can really kill you v quickly within 2-3 minutes I was told.
Anyway back to his op, I got a doctor called Dr. Wong and all I remember saying to her was Dr. Wong I hope this does not go wrong! She was brilliant. He was born within 6 minutes but it felt like 30! and she said its just like pulling something out of your purse...I could not wait for the pulling to stop...I stupidly asked for a top-up on the local anaesthetic cos I could feel them going in...don't top the anaesthetic up! or if you do don't budge your head like I did.. I developed BAD headaches after the op and in recovery thought they would never go away cos I twisted my head to look at the clock that was perched on the wall! Not a good move lol. But it was to distract myself from what was going on below. Anyway, I sadly got an infection over my c-section scar after the op, but this was mainly because I had been stapled there previously and got re-stapled...to have those staples plucked out of me again on day 5. I love the photocopier in my work so yeah lol that's why I told her to staple me again as I had already gone down the route of the dissolvable paper stitches previously but what I found was the staples healed the skin over the scar quicker...The recovery was slower for me cos of the infection I had there but in the end I somehow got over it by moving around as much as possible after the op once my legs returned.
Peppermint oil was my best friend right after the op and I started to drink peppermint oil in hot water - totally recommend doing this after a c-section - its got LOTS of healing properties and helped going to the bathroom resume much quicker...without the need of a laxative. Hurrah.
Anyway moving on...3 months after I had him, I developed a small head cyst on the crown of my head! This usually involves surgery to remove the cyst and its reportly common to get these in middle-aged women..OMG I thought, am I really getting prematurely old? lol... I am only 34.
I had already overcome cysts on my ovaries with a Cystectomy operation right after the c-section of my second daughter Isabella. Her c-section was required as she was a breech baby and we couldn't turn her.
Looking back, I think I had a developmental error in David's pregnancy which caused me to get a head cyst after he came out of my body. I have a great chemist friend and she told me use some medicated shampoo with magnesium paste in order to avoid surgery - so I did that and the cyst dropped off me naturally in the shower after 2 weeks...no surgery needed in the end...but prior to this I had to do an MRI scan on my brain to make sure I didn't have a tumour...ugh. Thankfully I didn't have anything worrying and it was benign...and I cleared up. But the point I want to make is irrespective of what you go through to get the beautiful child out of your body...and what you may or may not have to deal with after...its so great to have them now!!
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015
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