I had just got home from the hospital with my son who was getting over a bad bout of gastroenteritis when suddenly one of the moles on my body started to ooze and bleed - sorry tmi. Anyway I suddenly noticed another mole on my body was twice the size of what it should have been and had two colours - it was a pigmented lesion - originally a mole...it freaked me out enough to get an emergency appointment with the GP. So I rang my GP and I was told we are booked out. I eventually found a nearby GP who was not my normal one who saw me and he said its a melanoma and you need an urgent referral to see a dermatologist.

OK I said so perhaps you can give me a referral letter? No I can't as I am not your normal GP he said...I said but you just told me if you were my patient you would give me an urgent referral letter? so why not just print me the letter and send a message to my normal GP that you gave me a letter for this?? I can't do that he said...so then he let me go from his office and I felt distraught! It was bad enough I was coming to terms with a hospital making a mistake on my son's IV drip...anyway I rang the GP the v next day who told me to come straight in at 3.30 p.m. so I did and finally picked up his message of what he had sent my GP. A locum saw me instead of my normal GP and he was v nice and understanding at least and gave me the letters I needed for the hospitals as they won't let you see a dermatologist without a referral letter. Anyway, I asked him if he could examine me and tell me if it was benign..I don't have a derma-scope here he said (this was a free service). Upset with no real answer I left this time slightly happier with a letter in my hand, rang a private clinic - paid the fee and saw the best senior doctor/consultant there and he had a dermascope in his office. I waited a painful 3 minutes to know what the results were and he said its a non-active melanoma but he believed it was benign YET suspicious.

So I said if its suspicious measuring at 1cm - double the original size of 0.5 cm does that mean I need to have it biopsied and excised? well that is why I am still going to send you to the pigmented lesions clinic in the hospital - they will hopefully do a mapping of my body and then most likely excise it which will leave a little scar and where did this melanoma set up shop? my knee...so I can't even kneel down and pray..but I think my prayers were answered when he said its benign...nevertheless I am still bit antsy cos I know although its inactive now - any of the moles on your body can become active and that is why if you ever see any changes whatsoever on your body in relation to moles you really can't wait on the fence with them...so I think a scar is better than possibly having cancer...let's cut that mole up! its ugliness can be seen to the left here or maybe I might try to possibly shrink it with Frankincense oil - like this one:
or on Amazon here:
though I think I will still need to have it excised! I like natural cures...and I guess I will have to keep on drinking turmeric which I think I have already told you readers I am a huge fan of. I asked the private doctor if I could rub eggplant extract on it...in the form of a cream but I hear some stories that this cream is bogus and actually is currently marketed as snake oil. If anyone comes across a genuine eggplant extract cream let me know..
I then said my ugly duckling mole is not turning into a swan!