Isn't it amazing how we tend to describe things differently to kids? I am always wondering how evolution has in some ways almost pre-programmed us. You know I want the best for my kids. I don't care what career they end up in as long as they are happy. I partially care - I care that they get a brilliant education. I care that they are learning enough subjects. Take for example, the previous school my daughter was going to. I won't name the school in question but I started to get concerned as she was only learning one letter a day and my daughter can amazingly already write the entire alphabet including her name. The teacher was amazingly rude and cold - not even listening to the other mothers etc. Now for 4 years old that is wonderful news...I thought if anything her teacher would be thrilled. The teacher gave out crayons. My daughter put up her hand and asked her for markers...but because she was ahead of the other kids, the teacher said no to this request and sort of shunned her. She also told my daughter that if she decided to be an artist and draw outside of the lines that she would lose I get that they are trying to teach kids to keep everything within the lines and trying to effectively teach order which my daughter thankfully has mastered too but somewhere down the line I wonder if primary schools can kill creativity a bit by this mindset alone?
The new school is thankfully great! the teacher is a dream to deal with, soft spoken and I am so happy that I can just simply approach her without having to worry that she is going to upset me with her dogmatic views. And guess what, my daughter is now reading Cleopatra! yes a 4 year old already reading ancient history...that's how you know its a good school! It beats learning one letter a day and seeing a child come home grumpy and bored from being held back by the others :) Moral of story: sometimes moving as hard as it can be at the time can help your child even more.
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