Thursday, October 2, 2014

Radio Shows I like

I like the Tom Leykis Show. I know some of his opinions can be totally and utterly against women and sorry to say this Tom, but well I feel at times wrong.

I know that he expresses certain view points I don't agree with at all but my golly at the same time, he sure does a good radio show so hats off there. He often says some politically incorrect things but I like what he has to say a lot of the time.

He is not a fan of marriage. Fine - no issue there if that is how you feel but then again it might not suit him. Doesn't mean at the same time that it won't suit someone else or that we are all doomed to end up alone!

He broadcasts 5 days a week - keeps his material fresh and new etc. so at least he has the get up and go in terms of motivation.

I don't think Tom is too much anti-woman, he just doesn't like it when a woman takes from a guy all the time and doesn't seem to give back in return
or expects guys to rescue them - so yes fair enough maybe he is saying to women become more independent! so is that really a bad message then? I think not.

Maybe I feel challenged to say all this. Either way I hope it causes no offence to Tom or anyone out there. Maybe I feel his voice lends itself to radio perfectly. Whatever the case may be, I hope he doesn't finish it up and keeps doing his own thing. You can find him here

Maybe my blog can be as successful as your radio show Tom.  I just want to add in if this blog ever does become successful I will send you a thank you note at the very least in terms of  inspiring me to do something new and fresh :) have a nice day!!


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