Thursday, October 2, 2014

Dealing with colic!

So I had the pleasure (if you could say that lol!) of dealing with colic for the very first time with my now 8 month old baby. He wasn't being overfed. He was also born 5 weeks early. Waters broke suddenly at 35 weeks 3 days and suddenly it was all systems go to deliver the baby! The doctor believed it might be due to his umbilical hernia which is apparently common in babies that are born a month ahead of themselves. Now thankfully the hernia issue has since resolved - just took 4 months of doing what the doctor told me to do in the shower but now that my precious baby has a belly button this has suddenly been replaced with colic! yikes. The doctors are keeping an eye on it too! and well hopefully its okay - it was the size of a 2e coin - the outie..and now its an innie. Bring on the sudden bad crying at night-time, waking and searching for Infacol which by the way works pretty well if you get caught out in this predicament. His weight gain suddenly spiked to the 98% weight gain - so back to the doctor I had gone - turns out he had caught croup off my other two kids which they caught in playschool and I think the steroid the doctor gave him at the time to clear him of the croup caused him to pile his weight on too quickly. So now that he has begun crawling his weight is finally resolving and the colic is getting less and less thank god! Once they start crawling they burn the weight off nicely so now he has dropped down to the 91% weight gain! :) For any mothers out there who have had to deal with colic - this music (see below) helped him soothe him to go back to sleep quickly without having to stay up for hours. I also learned from speaking with other mothers who have dealt with this that if you are in a particularly dry climate it can help to wear socks while you nurse. I also think if you can express the first part of your milk off then it can lead to resolving this issue. 


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